Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Civil War and Reconstruction

Dear Students,
Work with a partner or your group to answer one of the following questions.  Your answer should be in paragraph format.  You may use your textbook.

1.  What was the difference between economies of the North and the South?

2.  Why were Southerners so upset when Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election in 1860?

3.  What services did the Freedman's Bureau provide to former slaves?

4.  How did location affect development of industry in the United States during Reconstruction?

Good Luck,
Miss Mastronardi


  1. Emily, Amanda, and MaddieThursday, September 13, 2012

    The difference between the economy for the North and South were that the North economy was industrial. The South's economy was agicultural. They grew cotton, corn, and raised cattle,and pigs. The South had a few enslaved people. Once the cotton gin was invented slavery grew. Northern states had a few farmers but they mostly had cities and factories. In the factories they made textile, shoes, tools and other goods. Eventually most of the northerners were working in factories than farming. That was the difference between the North and the South's economy.

  2. Southners were so upset when Lincoln elected.One reason is that Lincoln was against slavery and the southners were for slavery.Southerns were mad and secceded and formed the confederacy.Also the south thought the federal goverment was to strong and their stats rights were under attack.

  3. nathan,conner, and willThursday, September 13, 2012

    Congress passed a law to protect the rights of freed men,who were the people freed from slavery.congress also created the freedmen' bureau.The freedmans Bureau provided food, clothig, medicl care, and legal advice to poor blacks and whites. It set up hospials and schools and found jobs for many. That is how the freedmans bureau helped.

  4. Andrew, Joey, and RyanThursday, September 13, 2012

    Location affected development of industry in the United States during reconstruction. In the South everything was burned and destroyed. In the North they grew stronger,their industry grew better,and they didn't have a lot of damage in the North. That's what happened during reconstruction in the United States.

  5. Mekayla,Olivia,and ChaniyaThursday, September 13, 2012

    Southeners were upset when Abraham Licoon won the presidental on 1860.Lincoln didn`t want slavery.Licoln though slavery was a moral,social,and political evil.Southeners wanted slavery becausethey needed slaves to plamt thier crops.Licoln didn`t want slavery in the territories.

  6. The southerners where upset that Lincoln won the election because they were scared that they were going to lose there slaves.Also lincoln hated slavery.The southerners feard that Lincoln and the government would get to powerful and try to end slavery.Then that will effect the southerners by not making more money.Also the southerners thought they were going to lose their states rights.So they broke off of the Union and formed the Confederacy.

  7. The Diffrences Betwe

    There where differences bween the north and souths economies.The north had factories which made clothes and they also wolve the cotton into silky string and made shoes and other goods.the people who worked in the factories could cut their hand or fingers off in the machines.they would rap their hand up after they cut it off and get them back to work.

    The souths economy had more slaves and farms.They had slaves becuase they needed the slaves to work on the farms and grow the crops.when the cotton gin was invinted the farmers in the south wanted more slaves to pick the cotton.

  8. My favorit part of the kid in the red jacket is when Howard meat Molly.The reason why i like that part is beacuase Molly was acting so funny.Like she said'i wanted some who looked like me to move here'.Or when she climbed on top of the car.Or when she was pertending to be a fire man.Well i told you my favort part what is yours?
