Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Would Have Happened?

Hello Brilliant Students,
I hope you are enjoying learning about the Civil War in social studies.  Please answer the following question in paragraph format.  Make sure you proofread your work before submitting it.

If Jefferson Davis had been elected instead of Abraham Lincoln, what do you think would have happened?

Be sure to back up your opinion with what we have been learning about in class.

~Miss Mastronardi


  1. I think if Jefferson Davis was elected instead of Lincoln, Davis would have the union have slavery too. It might start another war and of course we don't want that. Another reason is if Davis was elected, the country would have gotten worse and some states that were against slavery wouldn't have states rights.

  2. If Jefferson Davis was president of the Union the slave owners will get to keep their rights and not have to secede from the Union. Slavery could be legal all over the country and was almost impossible to escape slavery. There won't be a civil war because the whole country was supporting slavery. There will more families separated and their masters don't care. Their masters also doesn't care if they have an injury or if they are very ill. Our country will be a terrible place if Jefferson Davis was president.

  3. If Jefferson Davis was elected instead of Abe Lincoln, slavery would of lasted longer than it was suppose to. Davis was a democrat. He did not like Lincoln's view on slavery. Davis believed that salvery should exist. Being a supporter of the South, he believed slavery would make things better.

  4. if davis was elected slavery would become terrifing.The north may of moved away and became the cofederate states of america
    we probally would still have slavery. our usa would of fell apart. Every region would be its owm country now. Where would we be right now? My guess is the junkyard.

  5. I think the North would be very upset if Jefferson Davis would have said slavery is allowed in northern states. There would be lot of fights, and abolitionists would start a rebellion. It would be a very bloody war, but abolitionists would win and abe lincoln would be elected.

  6. I think that if Jefferson Davis was elected then the country would have been changed completely. There would have been more slavery. Maybe even today there would have been slavery, or it would have taken longer to abolish slavery. The Confederacy wouldn't have seceded and there may not have been a civil war. That is what I think would have happened.

  7. I think if Jefferson Davis was elected president we wouldn't of had the southern states secession. So if we didn't have the the southern states the attack on fort Sumter wouldn't have happened which caused the Civil War. Also Jefferson Davis would let the states have states' rights. I think he would have let slavery spread into the territories. That's what I think would have happened if Jefferson Davis became president instead Abraham Lincoln.

  8. I think if Davis would have been elected everything would have went wrong.I think he would allow slavery.Unlike Abraham Lincoln who did not want slavery.Abraham Lincoln thought slavery was cruel but Davis didn't.So that is my oppinion.

  9. If Jefferson Davis was elected instead of Lincon more states would hav seceeded from the union. Davis supported secession. Also,slavery would have lasted longer. unlike Lincon,Davis supported slavery.

  10. If Jefferson was president instead of Lincoln, it would not have been good. There would have been more slavery as the nation grew. The civil war would have been worse because the north would be more angry. Slavery would not have stopped easily because the president liked slavery. It would have been a disaster.

  11. If Jefferson Davis was elected president instead of Abraham Lincoln, the North would have gone bonkers! I don't think they would of secede, though. I bet Davis would allow slavery in ALL states! The South would have LOVED him. Good thing he is just the president of the Confederacy!

  12. In my opinion, I think is Jefferson was elected, all history would change. Slavery might of even spred to the north! Also, many fights would break out from ABOLISHINIST and slave owners. The south probely wouldn't of SECCEDED, but the CIVIL WAR would of have to start sometime. Therefor, we are very lucky Honest Abe was elected.

  13. If Jefferson Davis had been elected instead of Abraham Lincoln, I think that the states wouldn't have a secession, and slavery would grow and become more popular. Then, there would probably be an increase of slavery in the south and other places too. I think there wouldn't be a Civil War, but it would be very close to war.

  14. If Davis were the President in place of Lincoln, the North and South states could not united together and the United States of America could not have born. Slavery might have continued and also the cessation.


  15. If Jefferson Davis won the election against Abraham Lincoln probably some of the union states or maybe all of them would turn to slave states? The south probably wouldn't of secceded from the north. But there would still probably be a civil war.

  16. If Jefferson Davis was elected instead of Abe Lincoln, slavery would of lasted longer than it was suppose to. Davis was a democrat. He did not like Lincoln's view on slavery. Davis believed that salvery should exist. Being a supporter of the South, he believed slavery would make things better.

  17. If Jefferson Davis was elected,instead of Abraham Lincoln, our country would be HORRIBLE. There would still be
    slavery, Africans would still be treated badly. If Jefferson Davis was president, we might stil have had the Civil War. Northerners probably got mad and wanted war. Now there might be slaves even working at restraunts,and stores.
    I'm glad that Abraham Lincoln won instead of Jefferson Davis. Our country would be happy and there won't be people who are mistreated just because of there skin color.


  18. If Jefferson Davis was elected we would get nowhere in life.Also we would still have slavery today.Then we will have many more wars over slavery.Also there would be no Unoin and Confederacy then.There would be no Civil War.That is what I think would happen if Jefferson was elected.

  19. Jefferson Davis believed in slavery. Slave owners will look for more land to farm and the slaves to work. Then all states will have slaves. If Jefferson Davis becomes president states will have more power than the government. The south will make more money because they have more slaves.

